I Survived: The pandemic of 2019


Coronavirus or Covid-19  is any of a group of RNA viruses that cause a variety of respiratory, gastrointestinal, and neurological diseases in humans and other animals.It was originally detected in Wuhan, China.

It was quickly spreading across the entire world.

These were some of the symptoms

  • Fever or chills
  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle or body aches
  • Headache
  • New loss of taste or smell
  • Sore throat
  • Congestion or runny nose
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Diarrhea

When I first started to hear about covid-19 was in the news. I was coming from school and the tv was on in  my room. This new virus was rapidly attacking the residents of china and was quickly spreading. At first, I did not pay attention but a couple months later, everything was a disaster. My family and I always were protected and always followed the rules of the WHO. Thankfully almost no one in my family was infected with corona virus. I was always triggered to see people not wearing a mask and not caring.

Learning at home

Learning at home was quite complicated at the beginning. No one in my school was ever used to this. It was something new to everyone . Learning at home is when we started to go to school online. It is usually called virtual learning. At first, no one was used to it and it was complicated. Some students missed class, their  links didn’t work, wifi issues etc. In the beginning I barely even had online classes because not everyone had an electronic device. When that so school year had ended, my district was prepared and ready to continue teaching online. One day, everybody had received a message that included the information about the day we had to go get a computer. 

Keeping myself busy

Aside from virtual learning, I had to get busy in order to not get bored. After school, I had to do my daily chores. After I was done, I had time to be in my phone. In the quarantine, many things had changed. In the beginning it felt weird because I was not used to waking up late. The first days I couldn’t sleep because I was constantly thinking of waking up late and missing school. This also changed my schedule because I was used to waking up early in the morning and coming out late from school. This also gave me more time to be with my mom and help her on the things that she needed. I just wish I didn’t have a lot of homework to have more time with my family.

How my community has changed

Aside from virtual learning, I had to get busy in order to not get bored. After school, I had to do my daily chores. After I was done, I had time to be in my phone. In the quarantine, many things had changed. In the beginning it felt weird because I was not used to waking up late. The first days I couldn’t sleep because I was constantly thinking of waking up late and missing school. This also changed my schedule because I was used to waking up early in the morning and coming out late from school. This also gave me more time to be with my mom and help her on the things that she needed. I just wish I didn’t have a lot of homework to have more time with my family.

My feelings

When we had begun quarantine, we was actually happy because I was getting a big break from school. In those time, school was not going well for me and had me stressed. My family fortunately was not in economic struggle because my dad had job the whole time. My family and I learned many new things. This also taught us that we had to have our social distancing.

Returning to normal

Life after covid-19 won’t be the same. I think that people will also change in they way of their hygiene. I think I want to travel more once covid finishes or lowers the cases. I want to travel more, go outside more often, work, do sports, and buy a computer.

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