Student Work Showcase

Students chose the subject and could write in paragraph or bullet format. This piece, by Rebekkah M., is about how to grow a flower from a seed. Well done, Rebekkah!

How to make a Fortune teller

Hey, have you ever wanted to make a fortune teller? Well today is your lucky day because that is what I’m going to teach you to make. If you don’t understand at first it’s ok just reread look at the pictures you’ll be alright. It may take a while to finish it but in the end it’s all worth it and trust me all your friends will want to participate.

Ok lets start at the beginning you will want a square piece of paper if you don’t have one it is A ok to get a square out of a regular piece of paper take one conor and fold it up like so.

And cut off the excess. Now what you want to do with the square is fold it diagonally, open it, and fold the paper again in the opposite direction so you have an X on the square. 

Now what you want to do is grab each of the corners and fold it towards the center. If you got it right it should look like this.

Now flip it over to the back.

Yes you’re halfway there, ok now that it’s on the back do the same thing you did before take all the corners and fold it to the center.

Okay now it is crucial at this part because you could accidentally crinkle it or tear it so fold it along the lines like this.

Now it’s a bit more flexible if you made it right which hopefully you did. But if you didn’t it’s ok go back and try again, anyway you should have flaps on the back and put your fingers in the pockets. Just like so,

and fold it up like this.

It might take awhile but keep adjusting it until you get this.

Ok now you got it pretty much done except for the game ok to play it you have to do a little bit more work. I know I know but it will all be worth it.

So first you want to color the outsides like this or like that, your pick because it’s your fortune teller.

Then you want to flip it over like this.

So on the inside you can either write your numbers like this or like that again your choice. However if you put four colors I suggest you do the four numbers, same goes for if you do eight colors I suggest you do eight numbers. Also you don’t need to put the numbers in a specific order you can put any random number just don’t pick a number too high. 

So now the “ fortune telling” part you should write the same amount of good “fortunes” as bad “fortunes” such as “you will lose your shoes” for a bad one and “you will get candy” for a good one. Little harmless fortunes. So the way you write the fortunes depends on how you write the numbers. So if you wrote the numbers like this. You would put fortunes like this.

Now put it back like in the first picture at the beginning. Now to teach you how to play.

So you ask the person you’re doing this with to pick a color. You then spell that color out while doing these two motions back and forth.

Then when you land on one ask them to pick a number and then do those same motions when you ask for them to pick a color. Until you finish counting you can repeat that process for as long as you want but when you’re finished with that then you ask them to pick a number again and the fortune you wrote directly under the number they picked is their fortune. 

So now you know how to make the fortune teller play the game. I hope you made it through the directions and they all made sense. If you think not following the directions is not worth it I hope you know it is; because not only will you have a fun game your friends will want to play but also know how to make something origami. Plus their super fun to make.

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